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Unity Building Solutions has put together an information pack to better educate you on the overall process of getting a new kitchen.

The pack contains information about different materials and finishes you can use for your benchtop, doors, panels and splashback, including how to best clean and maintain them. This should help you make more informed decisions about the most suitable materials to use in your kitchen.

Contact Unity today for your free information pack.


Our passion is about uniting the client’s specific vision with practicality, quality and the latest fashion. Used for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for the preparation of all meals, from kids’ snacks to fine dining, a kitchen is the centrepiece of a home and needs to present well, yet it also needs to remain practical.

Everyone has different needs and tastes, this is why we do not work with standard models or structures, we design your kitchen to suit you and match your lifestyle. So whether you are an aspiring chef, a busy mum, a tireless worker or a social entertainer, your kitchen will be like you – unique.

Kitchen examples:

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